I totally get you, I'm moving back to Mexico (border girl here, too) in two months and I've been preparing myself mentally for most of these things... the driving, the speaking!!! I've become more of a pocha now switching every two words between english and spanish, for the eating i'm very excited tho, you know I want to come back to a good Starbucks chai latte hahahah I don't think they make it as sweet in Europe as in the US. Oh god and the polarized opinions, for me is more of the ignorance and racism in my hometown, they shoot some very problematic opinions in there... buuut it's going to be fine. Just remember it is temporary. Not everyone has strong opinions about the things that you do or how you have changed and if they do, you have your own reasons to be the way you are, no one needs explanations but you got your reminders.

It's gonna be a good trip! Get those extra packages of tortillas, you have to.

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Ahh thank you for this sweet and thoughtful comment. I’m glad you can relate!! Just landed in the US and will certainly be hitting up a Starbucks for a chai latte, no doubt haha

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